Hoarding and Bitcoin

Hoarding and Bitcoin

One of the fundamental arguments posed against Bitcoin is that it is deflationary in nature. The misinformed argument made by many prominent government economists is that this will result in...

Posted on 2018-09-24
A house divided

A house divided

The tale of a split registry Many think that coins will be able to just fork and act in a “permission-less” manner. We have seen this with ABC’s move to promote WormHole and bucket shops using...

Posted on 2018-09-24
Where have all the unskilled jobs gone?

Where have all the unskilled jobs gone?

Let us for today imagine it is 20 years from now. Two decades have passed from today. Imagine we are now and not looking forward, the present. The technology, just emerging at this point today...

Posted on 2018-09-23
Economic convergence

Economic convergence

The world of automation is already changing society. Having a bent for maths and statistics, I decided to take a look at comparing a couple of the jobs with those we could expect to see in 20...

Posted on 2018-09-22
How Bitcoin helps reduce Poverty

How Bitcoin helps reduce Poverty

Many love to say how fixing poverty is a simple matter of reallocation. It is not. It is better to make a richer world than to redistribute, the socialist ideal, and make us all equally poor....

Posted on 2018-09-21
I shall continue answering in order.

I shall continue answering in order.

The original questions are posted here. And, you may see responses in part 1. And post for part 2. And part 3. And part 4. Continued. 58. Apart from Bitcoin getting hijacked, what else do you...

Posted on 2018-09-20
Data World

Data World

It is truly amazing that people still stick to the aged concept that data can be completely controlled from all angles. We have many people still remaining wary of using social media. Other who...

Posted on 2018-09-20
IoT and the coming Toaster-world

IoT and the coming Toaster-world

The commodification of technology is what will drive the move to the cloud. It is what makes the entire structure of how some see Bitcoin, as a mesh of home nodes incredibly flawed. Toaster from...

Posted on 2018-09-19