Are the Poor Exploited?

Are the Poor Exploited?

In 2012, the US trade with Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) came to a total of $48 billion [1] as a combination of both imports and export to the nations. This was mostly in the form of machinery and...

Posted on 2018-09-17


Some argue that capitalism fails as it does not lead to equality. That is a fallacy we need to avoid. The only equality we can achieve is one of equal destitution and even that would be one beyond...

Posted on 2018-09-15
Keynesian flaws.

Keynesian flaws.

Now, it is generally taken [1] by rational economists without an agenda (and even most of the honest ones with an agenda) that unlike any expenditure being beneficial, that is, it miraculously...

Posted on 2018-09-14
The 1937 Crash

The 1937 Crash

Social security was the start of a crash every bit as large as the 1929 stock market correction. Yet, this event seems to be overlooked and forgotten. This leaves us with a constant set of...

Posted on 2018-09-13
Human rights and property

Human rights and property

The most fundamental of human rights is the right to hold property. There are many who would argue this but the reality is to be free we need to be able to control our lives. To choose how we wish...

Posted on 2018-09-12
Trust and Risk

Trust and Risk

Security matters, but not so we can eliminate all risk, but so we can have trust. Even if we could eliminate nearly all risk (we cannot ever remove risk entirely) we would have to ask whether it...

Posted on 2018-09-11
Stable by design

Stable by design

We have a fundamental flaw within the developer led model of Bitcoin. This problem is the same in many aspects of software development today. We like to argue that we need to change and alter a...

Posted on 2018-09-10