The Evolution of the Constitution

Gordon Wood has provided an excellent history of the early birth of the Republic [1]. Wood introduces the changes that occurred within the United States by using Washington Irving’s short story...

Posted on 2022-06-29

Constitutional Design Proposal

     I.         Introduction For all the benefits, the Constitution of the United States was developed in haste and through various compromises that could have been constructed in a way that...

Posted on 2022-01-09

Understanding Medieval Documents: Part II

A commentary on the following charter: Carta Lucie de Brintona de tota terra quam Godwinus filius Leurich Carta Hugonis de Gurnay et Mileseint sponse sue de tota tenura Dominis suis omnibus...

Posted on 2021-12-13

Understanding Medieval Documents

A translation of the following: Omnibus sancte matris ecclesie filiis Herebertus de Bolebek salutem. Sciatis quod Alexander de Kenebelle consilio et assensu meo dedit et concessit deo et ecclesie...

Posted on 2021-12-06

The Tale of Genji

Having studied theology and mediaeval history before, I come to today’s subject with a particular bias and worldview. Yet, having done so, I see many analogies between The Tale of Genji by...

Posted on 2021-11-15