Paper Critique: The Geography of Fear

Melander, E. (2009). The Geography of Fear: Regional Ethnic Diversity, the Security Dilemma and Ethnic War. European Journal of International Relations, 15(1), 95–124....

Posted on 2023-05-18

Ruling Powers and the United Kingdom

Britain was not always Britain. With the United Kingdom sometimes seeming less United, and while the separatist movement in Scotland may become less than it is, it has already seen the separation...

Posted on 2023-05-11

Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing

In the 1990s, Ratko Mladić was general of the Bosnian Serb army overseeing multiple war crimes, including genocide conducted during the Bosnian Civil War (Weitsman, 2008). Beginning on 6 April,...

Posted on 2023-05-09

Historical Maps

The National archives in the UK provide access to a collection of historical maps (Archives, n.d.). In this archive, maps concerning the exploration of the West Indies and, in particular, Antigua...

Posted on 2023-05-02

London and the Thames

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of...

Posted on 2023-04-25