Fixing OP_False

Salvage, fixing OP_False, and more One of the flaws in the mangled version of Bitcoin we have today comes from the ability to “burn” and destroy coins. Bitcoin was designed as stable money. This...

Posted on 2018-11-08

Rent seeking in economics and Crypto

Keynesianism and neo-Keynesian thought seem to be popular despite the fact it has never worked and is based on fallacies such as the savings myth (assuming that savings is bad and lowers...

Posted on 2018-11-07

The politics of rent seeking

Any government implementing a Keynesian policy simply “Keynesianizes” the economy. The effect is an economy that behaves precisely in the pertinacious routine dictated through the Keynesian...

Posted on 2018-11-07

Drugs, Fraud, and Murder

Bitcoin is money that is designed for Main St. It was not designed to be the Wall-St casino some want, and it certainly was never designed to be the dark alley between them. Bitcoin is...

Posted on 2018-11-06

Bitcoin is all about incentives

There are people who try and tell you that Bitcoin is not about incentives or economics. The structure of Bitcoin is one that allows competition to determine a stable monetary system. Miners...

Posted on 2018-11-06

Coin burning for dummies

There is a lot of misunderstanding on how money works. Many in the Bitcoin space think that scarcity of Bitcoin alone determines the scarcity and price of Bitcoin. This is utterly misguided and...

Posted on 2018-11-04

The Secure (Bitcoin) Internet

We see many sites moving more and more to application-level encryption such that they can protect the transport of sensitive data.   IPv6 is THE killer application for SSL. Not that SSL needs...

Posted on 2018-11-03

IPv6 with CGA and Bitcoin

IPv6 incorporates the new concept of privacy extended addresses. These are referred to as CGA (cryptographically generated addresses), and have the goal of maintaining privacy whilst still...

Posted on 2018-11-02

Bitcoin as the Base layer

Many people have seen IPv6 as a simple addressing extension to the existing Internet and see few changes to the way we secure systems. These people cannot be further from the truth. IPv6 will...

Posted on 2018-11-01