Privacy versus hypocrisy
Many of those arguing for anonymity are truly arguing for power and the control of others. If we take into account the criminal violation by certain individuals of controls that are designed to...
Many of those arguing for anonymity are truly arguing for power and the control of others. If we take into account the criminal violation by certain individuals of controls that are designed to...
Free speech is not the right to be heard on any platform but rather limitations set by governments and authorities in blocking individuals from speaking. It has nothing to do with allowing a...
The code-is-law movement is a pernicious attack on freedom. There is no definitive means to assess truth through a computer program. The strength of law comes in its flexibility — the ability of...
It is interesting how we are slowly moving away from the paradigm of selling user data for money. We can see it in the recent move by Facebook and the attempt to integrate Instagram, WhatsApp, and...
When I removed myself from public view towards the end of 2010 and 2011, it was as I was rather disillusioned. Bitcoin was designed as a system that allowed for sound private money and would make...
Most of cryptocurrency efforts has been defined since Silk Road as one attempt after another to alter Bitcoin from a pseudonymous system to create an anonymous system that may be used for the dark...
In his analysis of classical liberalism, Ludwig von Mises [1] poses the question: In opposing government interventions, is liberalism not implicitly bound to advocate some form of anarchy in the...
Hal Finney was an amazing man in many ways. Without him, Bitcoin would not exist today. Hal is a far better coder than I will ever hope to be. You see, I’m not a specialist. The initial versions...
One part of the hijacking of Bitcoin stems from the manufacturing of ASIC chips. The purpose of a node is not simply to find a puzzle that gives you the block subsidy. I will say subsidy again...
In 2016, I could have come forward and jumped through many hoops in a vain attempt to have people “like and accept me.” Vain, as it is not a result that will ever be achieved. The “crypto”...